Sunday, October 27, 2024

For Her – From Here TV

For International Women’s Month we wanted to showcase some great content on Here TV for women.

Second Star on the Right

DIRECTOR: Ruth Caudeli

STARRING: Silvia Varón, Tatiana Renteria, Alejandra Lara, Ximena Rodriquez & Diana Wiswell

Emilia is a 30-something bisexual woman who refuses to grow up, as her friends already did. Living with her mother and trying to survive as an actress, her life becomes even messier when she is fired from her job and forced to live a ‘standard’ life.

To watch, click here

Nina’s Heavenly Delights

DIRECTOR: Pratibha Parmar

STARRING: Laura Fraser, Shelley Conn, Art Malik, Adam Sinclair & Raad Rawi

Nina, a Scottish Asian woman in the midst of an identity crisis, returns home after her father’s death and falls for the woman who owns half of her family’s restaurant.

To watch, click here


DIRECTOR: Opie Boero Imwinkelried

Krudas explores the lives and work of a Cuban lesbian couple who are hip hop singers and performers. The duo Krudas addresses issues such as women’s liberation, lesbian rights, female solidarity, and racism.

To watch, click here

Game Girls

DIRECTOR: Alina Skrzeszewska

STARRING: Teri Rogers

Game Girls follows Teri and her girlfriend Tiahana as they navigate their relationship through the chaotic world of Los Angeles’ Skid Row, a.k.a. the “homeless capital of the U.S.”

To watch, click here

For more women-focussed movies, documentaries and TV series on Here TV, head to their “For Her” section.

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