Saturday, July 27, 2024

French Gay Rugby Club Releases Hot 2019 Calendar

The Rebelyons Rugby Club based in Lyon, France are a gay and gay-friendly rugby club who have just released a very hot calendar ready for 2019!

Rebelyons were created in 2007 with a goal to provide and safe and supportive space for gay and gay-friendly people to enjoy the sport of rugby. They also aim to promote a positive image of homosexuality to change minds in the sporting community and beyond.

They are raising money with this calendar to support their travel costs to the 2019 Union Cup, a European gay rugby tournament, in Dublin.

The calendar was shot by internationally renowned photographer Eric Lanuit. Eric’s photography regularly appears in European and American magazines. He also regularly shows his artwork in Paris, Lyon and Los Angeles, often participating in collective exhibitions. Visit Eric’s website to find out more about him.

To purchase the calendar and support the Rebelyons, visit:

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