Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Gay diva music icon Taylor Dayne makes Bay Area appearance

Lucky San Francisco peeps can enjoy soul diva Taylor Dane in a rare live performance!

Yoshi’s has been pivoting before it was even a thing.

The pandemic has made many venues and restaurants adapt to an ever-changing world. But Yoshi’s in Oakland, outside of San Francisco, has always been forward thinkers and remains relevant.

Yoshi’s started out as a cool jazz club with food. Then their food really took off, making them one of the top-rated restaurants in the Bay Area.

Taylor Dane appears at Yoshi’s in Oakland

Then Yoshi’s realized, people cannot live on jazz alone (well, some can!) so they have added soul music, chorale and comedy to get a more diverse audience. Many of us, though jazz loyalists, know Yoshi’s always delivers top-tier talent and performers.

In their being more musically diverse, pop and soul diva Taylor Dayne will be performing two shows on April 1.

Dayne was at her musical zenith in the late 1980s with two Grammy nominations and several top ten hits. Anyone from that era can break out singing when they hear her biggest hits “Tell It to My Heart,” “Love Will Lead You Back” and “I’ll Always Love You.”

While the crossover hits stopped, Dayne’s multitude of LGBTQ+ followers has kept her music active in dance clubs with songs such as “Floor on Fire,” “Facing a Miracle,” “I’m Not Feeling You,” “Beautiful” and “Plant Love.”

Between her hit singles days of the late 1980s and her 2000s dance club resurgence, Dayne has had a few acting gigs. One of interest, that never came about in the 1990s, is when Dayne was being courted to do Funny Girl on Broadway. Alas, that never came to fruition.

No matter, as she has an amazing body of work and those attending her April 1 shows will be able to see firsthand why she is still going strong.

For tickets and COVID policies, go to

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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