Friday, October 18, 2024
Health & HappinessSexuality & Sensuality

Gender-neutral sex toys are here just in time for Trans Day of Visibility

Playful, powerful and pleasing to the eye, finally sex toys that deliver pleasure to everyone.

Cute Little Fuckers, a trans-inclusive sex toy company created by queer and non-binary founder Step Tranovich, is releasing a limited-edition poly pack featuring the Transgender flag colors just in time for Trans Day of Visibility, which falls on Wednesday March 31 this year.

Many of us will still be in lockdown then and it’s important that our values and identities are reaffirmed when it comes to self-care and pleasure of ourselves and those we love.

Queer, non-binary founder of Cute Little Fuckers, Step Tranovich

The special souvenir poly pack will only be available online from March 31 through April 4 at a special price of $199, so grab yours now! The products are made from 100 percent, body-safe silicone.

Thousands of satisfied customers can’t be wrong. With hundreds of positive reviews, the genderless sex toy brand continues to reach out to all members of our LGBTQIA+ communities every day, reminding them that they are seen and heard…and, hopefully, satisfied.

Starsi, Puppypus and Trinity are here to play with you!

Founder Step (they/she/he), the creator of Cute Little Fuckers, lost their previous career due to disability, and decided to build a new life based around making sex accessible, inclusive, and fun. They made the fantastic little creatures in an effort to make sex toys less anatomical, more personal, approachable, and gender inclusive. And because they play up the ‘toy’ more than the ‘sex’ you can display them at home on a shelf rather than keeping them hidden.

For more info, visit the store and have a browse!

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