Thursday, January 23, 2025

Graham J – Torchbearer

The amazing Graham J is heading out on a mini UK tour, with 4 dates in London and Brighton this September, titled Torchbearer. 

Graham J, has been wowing audiences now for several years around Ireland, UK and recently in New York (rumors are that he will be back this fall). 

Larry Flick of Sirius XM interviewed him and was just wowed by his voice and talent, listen to the interview here!

Also Sammy Stein, one of the most respected Jazz critics had this to say about Grahams recent album “CRY”:

“What is striking is the clarity of the lyrics and the emotion Graham J. pours into his delivery of every number. The sense here is that any imperfect note placements are the result of the throat tightening due to emotions rather than musical imperfections, and overall his vocal quality is superb.”

Torchbearer traces a story of love, through all its many stages and guises, soundtracked by a wide variety of musical genres. 

In the first half, the audience is taken on a journey from the dream of romance, through pre-pubescent crushes and teenage lust, falling in love, the ups and downs of relationships, the compromises, and the heartbreak of betrayal. 

The second half focuses on the recovery after a break-up, how we grieve, repair and move on, with a smile on our face and hope in our hearts. 

Graham explained, “Our primary concern whilst researching the show was to find songs that lyrically advanced the story, with musical accompaniment that was both challenging for us and hopefully intriguing for the audience. The earliest piece dates from 1895, and we work through almost every decade, right up the present day.  Some songs are ‘classics’, others more obscure, but hopefully all are entertaining.”

If you are able to get to London or Brighton in September, you have to make this concert part of your trip. Head here to book tickets and find out more about Graham J at:

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