Saturday, February 15, 2025
LGBTQ+ RightsPolitics

Hawaii Bill to cover trans healthcare passes in the House

The Hawaiian House has approved legislation that would cover healthcare costs for transitioning transgender men and women.

If approved by the Senate, insurance companies would be required to cover gender-affirming treatments for trans people once deemed as cosmetic procedures.

This would include gender-affirming facial surgeries, hair electrolysis, mastectomies, breast reductions, breast implants, and voice surgeries as well as therapies, according to Pink News. However, it will not take effect until 2060. It’s progress, but not fast enough for some.

House Bill 2405 (HB2405) passed through the Democratic-controlled House on Tuesday (March 8), with only two representatives voting against the proposed legislation. It moves next to the Senate for a vote. 

The bill acknowledges that many people in the trans community have “experienced discriminatory treatment from health insurance providers” when seeking coverage for gender-affirming care routinely covered for cis people.  

The bill also provides a bright spot when there are at least 195 anti-LGBTQ+ bills pending in state legislatures in 2022, according to the Human Rights Campaign. More than half of these bills target trans youth and restrict their ability to fully participate in everyday life. This bill, affirming transgender healthcare, is definitely a step in the right direction.

Source: Pink News

This article was originally published on our sister site, Vacationer Magazine

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