Saturday, July 27, 2024

Highly Anticipated Third Season of The Queens Project is Officially Live on YouTube

The nerds of ‘The Queens Project are back! Emmy-Award winning Executive Producer Andrew Wilcox and the newly formed LGBT Studio Friends of Dorothy, are proud to bring you season three of “The Queens Project,” a fast-paced comedic web series set in Queens, New York about two gay roommates Ash (Ken Arpino) and Gabe (BJ Gruber) pursuing their dreams of becoming Broadway stars but stumbling along the way, to hilarious effect. With season one and two reaching over 2.5M+ views, “The Queens Project” is a certified viral hit. 

The cast is stuffed with comedic LGBT performers whose credits range from prime time television to Broadway and beyond; Ken Arpino (Creator & Star of The Queens Project), BJ Gruber (Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man, Daddy Hunt web series), Trey Gerrald (Orange is the New Black), Chris Dwan (Finding Neverland), Andre Jordan (Shrek), Tim Murray (50 Shades! The Musical), Ian Paget (Mamma Mia!), and more.

The Queens Project season two cliffhanger leaves us wondering whether or not Ash and Gabe will take their relationship to the next level. Season three has been live for only a week and already audiences are shouting for more.

Stream all 7 episodes of season three now on YouTube and catch up with seasons one and two to get in on more of the fun.

Season Three Playlist:

Season Two Playlist:

Season One Playlist:

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