Monday, February 24, 2025

H&M partners with Marsha P. Johnson Institute again

H&M USA is proud to continue its ongoing support of the LGBTQ+ community and announce its second year of partnership with The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI). 

The retailer and non-profit are coming together to support and celebrate LGBTQ+ students and the beauty inherent within varied gender identities with two “Fresh and Fabulous for Fall,” shopping sprees.

Held at H&M locations in Columbus, Ohio and Dallas, Texas on August 1 and 4, approximately 20 students at each event will receive hair, makeup, styling, and a photo shoot in addition to the shopping sprees. The events are aimed to uplift students, with a focus on supporting Black trans and non-binary youth and instil confidence in advance of the start of school or other paths in the following weeks.

“Now more than ever, LGBTQ+ youth, but particularly Black transgender teens and young adults need our support,” said MPJI Founder and Executive Director Elle Moxley. “We’ve strategically selected these locations to reach out, to be there for our community in places of the U.S. where attempts to erase the community are growing. Amidst the hate, these events bring a bright spot to our participants, so they feel more than seen, they feel loved, cherished and celebrated for their inherent value. We are grateful to H&M for their continued support and commitment to serve the LBGTQ+ communities in meaningful ways.”

Participants at the Columbus event will attend a fireside chat with Ren Davis, Resource Researcher for MPJI, and MPJI National Strategic Program Coordinator Phantazia ‘Tazer’ Washington, who will share their experience in the Black and transgender communities and offer insight to the participants.

In Dallas, actress, activist and model Dominique Jackson will team up with H&M to show her support and participate in a second fireside chat with Moxley, who will share her experience as a leading activist and organizer in the Black and transgender communities.

“I’m thrilled to support MPJI and H&M for this very important and needed event, as well as meet the youth of our community,” says Dominique Jackson. “Now more than ever we need to show LGBTQ+ youth that they are seen, loved and most of all supported.”

The retailer advocates for full equality for transgender and non-binary people and the partnership continues H&M USA’s year-round commitment to the community through support of The Trevor Project, the ACLU, the UN Free & Equal Campaign, and as a signatory on the Human Rights Campaign Business Statement Opposing Anti-LGBTQ State Legislation.  As part of the second year of partnership, H&M USA has donated to MPJI to support its mission of protecting and defending the human rights of BLACK transgender people.

“As a member of the LGBTQ+ Community, this partnership, as well as all the work being done by various groups that H&M helps to amplify, means so very much to me, our colleagues, and customers,” says Carlos Duarte, President of H&M Americas. “Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community and our rights is at the core of our values at H&M and we are proud to lend our support, now and in the future.”

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