Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hollywood interior designer Bernardo Puccio releases autobiography chronicling success, glamour and survival

How did the son of Alabama grocers end up becoming an acclaimed interior designer in the entertainment capital of the world, with a career that spans over 50 years? Bernardo Puccio shares his remarkable life story in his riveting new autobiography 13 Pieces of Unmatched Luggage…And My Poodle: A Story of Survival

As a young gay man growing up in the segregated south, being gay was certainly not considered the best thing to be in such an already dangerous and hostile environment. After starting a forbidden relationship with a married DJ, Bernardo was able to experience a glamorous, jet-set lifestyle that included dinners with the Beatles and The Rolling Stones. But he then decided to leave that life behind and start fresh on his own with a bold move out West to Beverly Hills – with nothing but 13 pieces of unmatched luggage and his poodle. 

“My journey was particularly amazing. I was a fragile boy from a small community called Ensley, located in Birmingham, Alabama. From that humble origin I became one of California’s foremost interior designers. I walked with stars and luminaries who occupied the Golden Age of Hollywood. I tasted of every fruit and still craved more.” – Bernardo Puccio

Bernardo’s career as an interior designer in Beverly Hills quickly took off, accompanied by a glamorous lifestyle and friendships with Hollywood legends such as Lana Turner and Elizabeth Taylor. Aside from being a respected designer and a part of the Hollywood elite, he was an intrepid activist, along with Taylor, in the crusade against HIV/AIDS. 

Bernardo, however, spent many years living dangerously, while also surviving the HIV/AIDS epidemic and a life-threatening medical crisis. Finally, he was given the freedom 11 years ago to marry his longtime partner, Orin Kennedy—a love story chronicled in the award-winning documentary, An Ordinary Couple.

Told with wit and candor, Bernardo’s autobiography is both a captivating tale of success, glamour, fame, and love—and, even more important, an inspiring story of survival.

For more information about Bernardo Puccio, or to purchase the book, please visit

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