Honolulu Pride 2019
Honolulu Pride this year will be on October 19th. It promises to be an amazing celebration, with various events as well as the Parade and Festival.
One of the events leading up to the parade is Rainbows Over Waikiki which brings dozens of rainbow banners to Kalakaua Avenue in the heart of Waikiki, sharing LGBTQ aloha for two weeks leading up to the 2019 Honolulu Pride Parade and Festival on October 19.

The headline act this year is hit songwriter and “outsider pop” artist Allie X. She has already amassed a large and global cult following, selling out shows across the US, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany, and Brazil. Her debut EP, COLLXTION I, received unanimous glowing reviews from media globally making her a fixture on numerous ‘ones to watch’ lists – including Katy Perry, who launched Allie’s debut single “CATCH” from indie blogs to the mainstream.

Something very different this year is the partnership with clothing company Avanti, who have created four unique Hawaiian shirts with net proceeds donated to Honolulu Pride. Check them out here and make sure to get your shirt ready for your trip to Hawaii!

To get you in the mood for this year, check out this video from last year’s celebrations:
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