Sunday, October 27, 2024

Hotel Le Fontanelle

Tuscany in Italy is one of those idyllic places you probably have heard of, if not already been to. They even made a film about it with Diane Lane. If you remember the film, you will remember the beautiful old Vila Diane Lane’s character impulsively buys and transforms into a beautiful home!

Now imagine that you can visit a beautiful home in Tuscany and not have to put all the elbow grease into transforming it… welcome to the Hotel Le Fontanelle!

“In 1999 Giuseppina Bolfo came across a 700-year-old settlement in Castelnuovo Berardenga. Perched on top of a hill overlooking Chianti, the views were nothing short of fabulous. It was love at first sight. The ancient farmhouse and buildings were in poor condition but they quickly underwent a huge restoration project to revitalize the building. For Signorina Bolfo, the Hotel Le Fontanelle is “the jewel of Chianti”, a very special place that is well-kept and tasteful, with unique views, and beautiful abundant greenery. Even after 12 years of operation, in the eyes of Giuseppina, it’s all as fresh as the first day.”

Not only is the location of the very tranquil and beautiful hotel itself wonderous. you are not far from historic Florence and Sienna.

Detail of a bed room at Hotel Le Fontanelle in Castelnuovo Berardenga

“At the Hotel Le Fontanelle, elegance is an intangible veil that covers everything. The rooms and suites are decorated in a simple, yet refined style. Each element is fresh and clean: linen, natural fibers, and coconut mats lined with French cloth are combined with walnut, oak and Bordeaux fabric – a little nod to the color of our wines, kissed by the sun of the Chianti hills. Each room is a refuge for the spirit that breathes the scents of Tuscany– rustic farmhouses surrounded by greenery and of delicious, delicate details of charm.”

For a true taste of Italy, you can do no better. The Hotel is in the middle of a winery and with the onsite La Colonna Restaurant, you won’t be hungry!

So if you are visiting Tuscany, there is only one place to stay!

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