Thursday, February 27, 2025

In the Age of ‘OK Boomer’, Michael Fairman Releases “Other Side”

Michael Fairman is after what his name implies: a fair chance. He is out now with “Other Side,” his mid-tempo pop/soul track about ageism, personal struggles, and finding one’s inner-strength to face adversity and ultimately triumph.  

He co-wrote the track with engineer and producer, Kyle Mangels, in hopes it might inspire those over 35 into action.  “For years now, I have been told, ‘You’re doing music? You sing? How nice!’ when what was really meant was ‘Good Luck with that boomer, you’re too old for the music industry,’” he explains.  

Fairman says he understands that pop radio is targeted to those under 25, skews female, and that there are only a few coveted spots for artists. Many amazing talents – both younger and older – simply don’t get the airplay they deserve.

He hopes to be the artist to break that barrier, because the music he performs and writes is similar to that being played on pop radio and in dance clubs right now. “I have a point of view and a unique vibe and sound to share, and I hope listeners will give me a chance.”    

“It’s a song for all the disenfranchised,” Michael Fairman continues from his Los Angeles home.  He believes “Other Side” is relatable for anyone who has ever felt disconnected, alone, or has broken out of a relationship and is trying to come to terms with it.  “It’s a reminder that it is ok to feel down, to cry, to hurt, but eventually we all need to rise up, and fight the fight with whatever life throws our way.”

It’s a message that applies to Michael Fairman’s life outside of music, as well. As an out gay man, he admits to being under constant pressure to remain youthful. 

Aging in the gay community can be difficult, as so much emphasis is placed on the outward appearance; having the perfect face and body. Older men who once caught the attention of many eyes in their younger years now experience people looking right through them. The struggle to keep up with the young is very real when, in truth, we should remember that there is something sexy about imperfection. In fact, it can be sexier.

Michael Fairman

Michael acknowledges there is still plenty he has his sights set on in life. A self-professed ‘workaholic’, Michael would like to spend more time cultivating a personal life, but he also has his lifelong dream of performing in-concert in front of thousands of people who are singing his songs. And why shouldn’t he pursue it?

“We should never listen to people who say something cannot be done because it’s a pipe dream or we’ve missed our chance. While we’re still breathing, there is hope. The worst that can happen is it doesn’t lead to where you hoped it might, but at least you gave it that shot and fulfilled that part of yourself.”

Michael Fairman grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where music was always his passion and first love. As a teen, he released his first recordings through a small label in Chicago.

Once he graduated high school, he moved to Los Angeles and eventually to New York to pursue his career as a recording artist. He formed a band with some of the top studio musicians in the city, performed in rock, pop, and soul clubs, recorded, and tried to get the A&R reps out to his showcases in order to get signed by a label. 

Between the financial drain, and the disappointment of not having key people show up to his gigs, Fairman eventually felt burned out and needed a major change. He decided to put music on hold and move back to Los Angeles where he began a career in TV Production and entertainment journalism.

Fairman has no idea where this next attempt at a music career will take him, but it’s something he feels he has to do now or regret forever.

“One of my great musical influences was George Michael and his passing made me realize how short life is and how I was wasting my talent,” he explains. “God gave me a voice, and it is time that I share it and make others aware that this is a part of who I am, at my core.”

Michael Fairman’s “Other Side” is being distributed independently and is available on Apple Music, Spotify and all major music digital platforms.  

Follow Michael Fairman on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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