Sunday, February 9, 2025

Jane Clark creates her own universe of “Crazy Bitches”

It’s another Los Angeles weekend which means I am guaranteed two things, the sun will be out and so will the stars.  (You see what I did there??) It’s a California phenomenon. The truth is that not one weekend will pass without a barrage of premiers and red carpet events.  If you live here you will act as if this bores you, but in reality I think even the most bitter queen finds it secretly tantalizing.

Speaking of bitter queens, this is where I find myself on a bright and beautiful Saturday morning.  I have hunkered down in a movie theatre long before the crowd ensues.  The menu calls for some delicious, campy, horror candy and I am intrigued.  It’s the premier of season two of Jane Clark’s Crazy Bitches. The stage was prepped years ago with the release of the film version of Crazy Bitches back in 2014.  It has garnered quite a fan base. 

Through my eyes, I can tell you this, it is beautifully captured, from the location to the cinematography there is no sacrifice for the moniker of independent film.  It delivers exactly what it promises; good camp, some gruesome and over-the-top murder and enough eye candy for all of us! 

From French actor Karl E. Landler who brings us a new take on the horror archetype of the manwhore (you actually find yourself rooting for him and believing that his dick is really just trying to help him find a meaningful connection), to the campy performance of Samantha Colburn portraying a country music superstar attempting to relaunch her career.

The actors in this series really do attempt to bring you far more than just the words on the page. Keep an eye on actress Dinah Leffert who plays Detective James, her comedic timing and ability to infuse even the most straight-forward line with a twinkle of humor is bound to have us see more of her next season.

The true star of this whole project though is writer/director Jane Clark. The minute she stood up to introduce her offering to the masses, she commanded an air of gratitude and passion that I was transfixed by. (Now before you say, “Oh Jonathan sounds like he’s been taken over by the typical woo-woo of Hollywood.” I will remind you that I was a sentimental fool long before this city.  So shut up!) The fact is there seemed to be a broader theme to this night, something bigger than this fun project behind her. 

As I stood on the red carpet later with the structured chaos of press agents and actors buzzing around, each and every person who spoke with me had something to say about this director.  She was a friend, she was family, she consistently created a welcoming and nurturing environment from which to create. 

The truth is this town can tear you down, it can pit friend against friend, every man for himself.  Creativity is creation, a building up of something new, that is art at its best.  As Candis Cayne told me on that carpet, “A lot of people in the industry I think take it for granted. But we are in a small universe here, it’s all about having fun, supporting each other, it’s a hard world.  Any time I can go see fellow actors, see their work it’s exciting for me.”

Jane Clark has created her own universe of “Crazy Bitches”, a place where people seem to come together for the sake of creating together. Even a crazy, campy, candied world of murder and fun.  As actress Guinevere Turner says, “Jane Clark has the capacity to keep bringing you sexy people and keep killing them!”

The best art is more than the sum of its parts.  If you love nothing more than a horror romp then you will enjoy a series that delivers tasty bite sized pieces of murder with each episode.  If you love to support creatives in community and collaboration this will fit that bill as well. In the words of Guinevere Turner there’s a big bonus for those of us in the LGBT community too, “There is a lot of LGBT-ness, and there’s like 12 hot guys!  A gay man could have made this!  Jane Clark I’m talking to you, who are you?” 

But truly, who is she? She’s worth knowing.

For more photography by Nathan Box, please visit 

Watch a trailer for Season 2 of Crazy Bitches!

Watch a trailer for Crazy Bitches, the movie!

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