Sunday, February 16, 2025
Food & DrinkLGBTQ+ RightsNew York

Julius’ Bar – NYC’s oldest gay bar launches crowdfunding campaign

Julius’ Bar on the corner of West 10th Street and Waverly Place stands as the oldest gay bar in New York City. It’s also known for the “Sip-In” that took place here in 1966, which ultimately led to legal LGBT bars and was one of the most significant instances of LGBT activism prior to Stonewall. Julius’ was forced to close its doors in mid-March amidst the COVID crisis and they’ve since been unable to reopen. They’ve launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise $50,000 that will keep them and their employees afloat until indoor dining is permitted.

Since launching the crowdfunding campaign in March, Julius’ Bar has raised more than $24,000 from 444 donors. The need has become critical in recent weeks, however, as the city has postponed indoor dining.

In an update to the GoFundMe, the bar explained:

“As you know we opened for a week and then closed again so to the SLA’s letter directing us to not have people hanging around, making sure they we’re their masks etc. Although, we followed the rules, we didn’t want to chance a fine or our license taken away. We are closed till phase 3 when we will be able to have you indoors at a limited capacity.”

Julius’ is undoubtedly known best for the 1966 Sip-In, inspired by the famous Sit-Ins of the time. It was organized by early gay rights group the Mattachine Society in response to the State Liquor Authority’s regulations that shut down bars and restaurants serving homosexual patrons. Prior to the event, Julius’ had been raided by the SLA, and when the group arrived, sat at the bar, and announced they were gay, the bartender refused to serve them and covered their glasses. This action was captured by a Village Voice photographer.

The  NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project  (who is responsible for the bar being named to the National Register of Historic Places in 2016) explains:

“The reaction by the State Liquor Authority and the newly-empowered New York City Commission on Human Rights resulted in a change in policy and the birth of a more open gay bar culture. Scholars of gay history consider the Sip-In at Julius’ a key event leading to the growth of legitimate gay bars and the development of the bar as the central social space for urban gay men and lesbians.”

The nearby Stonewall Inn (where the Stonewall Riots of 1969 became a key turning point in the LGBTQ civil rights movement) recently  received a $250,000 donation  from the Gill Foundation. Along with more than $300,000 raised through a  GoFundMe campaign, this allowed the historic bar to stay open and pay its $40,000/month rent.

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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