Saturday, January 25, 2025

June on the Criterion channel highlights masc movies

June on the Criterion Channel, a movie lover’s dream, includes 19 films spotlighting MASC identity, curated by queer filmmaker Jenni Olson.

Spotlighting the rich stories and courageous lives of trans men, butch lesbians, and gender-nonconforming heroes, this collection—curated by writer-archivist-filmmaker Jenni Olson and critic Caden Mark Gardner—journeys through nearly four decades of cinema history in search of authentic, complex representations of masculine identity as it exists outside the realm of cisgender men. From nuanced explorations of gender-nonconforming youth (Vera, Tomboy) to powerfully moving documentary portraits (Shinjuku Boys, Southern Comfort) to innovative narratives that deconstruct both gender and genre (By Hook or By Crook, Maggots and Men), these films celebrate the courageous queer visionaries who have blazed these trails and who continue to show the way forward and inspire us all.


Vera, Sérgio Toledo, 1986

Shinjuku Boys, Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams, 1995

By Hook or By Crook, Harry Dodge and Silas Howard, 2001

Lifetime Guarantee: Phranc’s Adventure in Plastic, Lisa Udelson, 2001

Southern Comfort, Kate Davis, 2001

The Aggressives, Daniel Peddle, 2005

Tomboy, Céline Sciamma, 2011

Stud Life, Campbell X, 2012 

Chavela, Catherine Gund and Daresha Kyi, 2017

No Ordinary Man, Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt, 2021


Storme: The Lady of the Jewel Box, Michelle Parkerson, 1987

Max, Monika Treut, 1992

Stafford’s Story, Susan Muska, 1992

Ifé, H. Lenn Keller, 1993

Trans, Sophie E. Constantinou, 1994

Maggots and Men, Cary Cronenwett, 2009

Vamónos, Marvin Lemus, 2016

Monsieur Le Butch, Jude Dry, 2022

Pete, Bret “Brook” Parker, 2022

To see what’s now playing go here.

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