Sunday, February 16, 2025

‘Just Love’ Card Game: Just in Time for the Holidays

You may remember Queery started in October, 2018 with their discursive, interactive art-based violence prevention project called “Sticks and Stone: Reclaiming Names that Were Used to Hurt Us.”  Since then, they have exhibited and presented at over 40 events, lead numerous discussions in LGBTQ+ communities, and engaged thousands of participants in conversations about breaking out of cishet normative thinking to embrace their most authentic selves.

Claire Concannon, Coordinator of the New Rochelle Pride Event and Manager of The Rock Club offered, “Queery’s art opens up dialogue that is accessible to the general public in a pedagogic, rewarding way.  The images are engaging and cause the spectator to ask themselves questions about their own experiences and involvement in social paradigms.”

“I, social workers, and the youth participants really enjoyed discussion about how to change derogatory terms into empowering and educational moments through story-telling, as well as about the oppression and stereotypes of the LGBTQ community.” offered Patrick Fields, Urban Health Plan Adolescent Health and Wellness Center Program Coordinator.

“The magic of ‘Sticks and Stones’ is that it provides a space, which has typically been a classroom or art gallery in the last year, for participants to get in touch with their own experiences and share them with others.” said James Young, Program Director at Queery.  

And now, Queery has designed an LGBTQ-themed card game which allows players the same opportunity to share their personal experiences while having fun at home!  

Here’s how it works: Each player picks an Identity Card, which is hidden, at first, from other players.  The other cards are shuffled and each player is dealt a hand. To win, players collect six Love Cards that make up a rainbow.  During the game, players can use the Coming Out Card to ask another play for a Love Card to help complete their rainbow. The request could be denied with a Hate Card, but that Hate Card could be disabled with a Power Card.

Navigating the world can be tough, and so is “Just Love.”  Along the way you’ll find helpful friends and allies, or you may meet people who will try to bring you down. In the end, love always wins in this game that allows you to learn more about yourself, understand more about LGBTQ+ culture, and have a fun time with friends and family, both biological and/or chosen.

Some of the Identity Cards for “Just Love”.

As the year ends and temperatures drop, Queery is heating things up with a Kickstarter to fund the development and completion of this exciting, new game. This is great news as it means the game will be available to you just in time for the holidays.  You could be playing “Just Love” by the end of December with your family and friends, and share some of the most interesting and memorable experiences.

From now until November 27th, you can contribute to their Kickstarter by clicking here: Funds raised from this Kickstarter will be used to finalize development, print and ship Just Love.  So, for just $25, you can be a part of making this project a reality, plus get your very own deck in December.  

Meanwhile, if you would like to have “Sticks and Stones: Reclaiming Names that Were Used to Hurt Us exhibited at your school, art gallery, or open space, please reach out to the James Young at

Also, check out their website for more information about Queery and what they are doing to make the world a safer, more inclusive, friendlier place while giving voice to those issues and people who often remain voiceless.

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James Young

James Young teaches social sciences at Monroe College in the Bronx, NY and facilitates authentic discussions through art-based educational LGBTQ+ programs. He is a co-founder of

James Young has 3 posts and counting. See all posts by James Young

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