Friday, March 28, 2025

Leslie-Lohman announces first queer woman to lead the museum

The Board of Trustees and Staff of the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art have announced Alyssa Nitchun as new Executive Director.

Alyssa Nitchun, 43, a nonprofit executive with a background in LGBTQ arts, will directed the museum as it embarks on a new post-pandemic chapter.

Nitchun most recently served as Acting Executive Director at Creative Time, where she helped realize an ambitious program of socially concerned art projects and convenings. She previously served as Deputy Director and Director of External Affairs, among other roles spanning a seven year tenure at the vanguard public art organization, enhancing its audiences and presence in the Middle East, Mexico, Canada, and Europe.

Nitchun steps in for Interim Director, Laura Raicovich, who led the Museum with dedication throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and its temporary closure.

Alyssa Nitchun | Photo: Khaled Jarrar

She will begin her directorship in a critical moment of intersectionality and evolution in our community, as the institution strives to hold space for multiple subjectivities. It is also a time when the bricks and mortar role of the Museum must intersect with its online role and the new prominence of virtual events. and special programming.

“The Museum possesses a reputation and gravitas that deserves to be extended nationally and internationally,” says Nitchun. “I will be passionately focused on expanding and deepening its ability to serve as an LGBTQI+ sanctuary, catalyst, and provocateur.”

The Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art in New York City is the only dedicated LGBTQ art museum in the world with a mission to exhibit and preserve LGBTQ art and foster the artists who create it.

Visit the Museum here.

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