Thursday, February 6, 2025

Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art is open again

The country’s only LGBTQ art museum has re-opened its doors to the public.

After 10 long months, the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art has finally reopened! The galleries were at full (socially-distanced) capacity for opening weekend with visitors checking out the Museum’s new season of exhibitions up close and in person including Laura Aguilar: Show and Tell, lauded by the press as “must-see,” and Dissolution, featuring exemplary works by the 2017-19 Leslie-Lohman Museum Artist Fellowship recipients.

Chitra Ganesh, A city will share her secrets if you know how to ask facade installation
Photo: Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art.

Chitra Ganesh’s iteration of QUEERPOWER, Leslie-Lohman’s annual site-specific public art installationwraps the exterior windows of the Museum with imagery of queer protest, survival, joy and the queer and transgender histories of downtown Manhattan. The work is visible 24/7 to all who pass by on the streets of SoHo through October 2021. 

Now showing: CHITRA GANESH: A city will share her secrets if you know how to ask through October 18. Listen to the new audio guide here.

Reserve your timed tickets to visit during new Museum hours or find out what is on for the rest of 2021 here.

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