Wednesday, February 5, 2025

LGBTQ+ Artists Unite Virtually to Let Their True Colors Shine Through

Sixteen LGBTQ+ artists from around the world have come together for a virtual collaboration to encourage people to stay safe and support their local communities with a touching rendition of Cyndi Lauper’s LGBTQ+ anthem ‘True Colors’. 

The diverse range of talent includes singer songwriter Tom Goss, cabaret artist Dave the Bear, trans activist Mzz Kimberly, Britain’s Got Talent singer Rob King, guitar hero Mrs Smith, and the multi-talented Graham J… plus Miles Elliot, Owen Gilhooly, Jason Thorpe, Randy Willcox, Patrick Masse, Felix Over, Lady Lola Lockdown, Syd Carter West, Chris Hibbert, and mental health advocate Paul Middleton, who masterminded the collaboration.

Paul said “The aim of putting this project together was to let our community know that we are in this together. To stay safe and look out for each other.”

Due to the ongoing lockdown around the world, each artist recorded their own rendition of the song from their home. These recordings were then expertly brought together to create this one, magical collaboration. 

“If this world makes you crazy

And you’ve taken all you can bear

You call me up

Because you know I’ll be there”

As viewers listen to these words, they are being encouraged to think about their local community, about the elderly and the vulnerable, and to support whoever needs help in whatever way they can. 

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