Tuesday, March 4, 2025

LGBTQ candidate Sean Meloy launches campaign for Congress

Sean Meloy, a lifelong Democrat, Allegheny County native, and local and national LGBTQ advocate, has launched his campaign for United States Congress in Western Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District. 

Meloy serves as a Democratic National Committee member from Pennsylvania and would be the first openly gay member of Congress from the Keystone State.

Meloy has long been a local and national Democratic organizer, having worked for legendary Western Pennsylvania Congressman Mike Doyle and on countless campaigns. A nationally-recognized advocate for LGBTQ equality, Meloy most recently served as Director of LGBTQ Engagement at the Democratic National Committee and as Vice President at the LGBTQ Victory Fund where he helped double the amount of LGBTQ people elected in the United States.

Sean Meloy

Meloy was born and raised in Allegheny County, where he lives with his partner Ethan. He went to Hampton public schools and graduated from Penn State University in 2009.

Meloy has always been a leader in his community. He rose through the ranks of the Boy Scouts to become an Eagle Scout and found his love of organizing when he started the Young Democrats club at Hampton High School. He has deep roots across the district as his family has lived in Western Pennsylvania for generations.

“My family story is like a lot of Western Pennsylvanians,” said Meloy. “My great grandparents came here for a better life and our family’s been a part of the community ever since. My grandfathers worked in coal mines and steel mills. My Nonna ran the post office in Indianola.”

“My parents worked hard and provided a good life for us. And that life is just not possible for so many hardworking Pennsylvania families anymore. I’m running for Congress because we need to change that. That means strong local schools, jobs with living wages, and health care that people can actually afford.”

“But it’s clear that more than ever, the system is rigged in favor of the well-connected and uber-wealthy. That’s got to change. We won’t do that by going back in time, but by building a country that focuses on solving problems, fights polarization and division, and works to make life better for everyday families.”

“We’re at a pivotal moment for our economy, for the environment, and for our democracy. We need someone who will dig in, listen, and roll up their sleeves for solutions that work right here in Western PA. That’s what I’ve done my whole life and that’s why I’m running for Congress.”

Sean Meloy

Meloy has quickly earned the support of citizens and leaders across Western Pennsylvania including Lissa Geiger Schulman, Jim DePoe, and Autumn Monaghan.

“As a fellow Hampton Democrat, I’m so excited to see Sean running. I’ve seen firsthand his work fighting for progressive values and lifting up marginalized voices, and I know that his deep roots in our community will keep him accountable to the people he serves. We need more people in Congress with backgrounds like Sean’s, who have spent their lives making a positive impact in Western PA and the Democratic Party,” said Lissa Geiger Shulman, Hampton Democratic Committee and Former Candidate for State House District 30.

“Western Pennsylvanians have a good neighbor and advocate in Sean Meloy. He has always fought for the equality of all people and stood shoulder to shoulder with labor. Hardworking families of Allegheny County will be in good hands with Sean in Congress,” said Jim DePoe, President of Steel City Stonewall Democrats and labor leader.

“Sean has spent his career fighting to make sure marginalized voices are represented in our politics, and that’s the kind of person we need in Congress. Sean understands that our diversity is our strength and will help bring people together from all parts of our region in the fight for good jobs, good healthcare, and a good education for all,” Autumn Monaghan, Chair of Harrison Township Democratic Party.

About Sean Meloy

Sean Meloy was born and raised in Allegheny County, where he lives with his partner Ethan. He went to Hampton public schools and graduated from Penn State University in 2009. He has deep roots across the district as his family has lived in Western Pennsylvania for generations.

Meloy has always been a leader in his community. He rose through the ranks of the Boy Scouts to become an Eagle Scout and found his love of organizing when he started the Young Democrats club at Hampton High School.

Meloy serves as a Democratic National Committee member from Pennsylvania and would be the first openly gay member of Congress from the Keystone State.

Meloy has long been a local and national Democratic organizer, having worked for legendary Western Pennsylvania Congressman Mike Doyle and served on the Allegheny County Democratic Committee. A nationally-recognized advocate for LGBTQ equality, Meloy was appointed by Governor Tom Wolf to serve on the Pennsylvania Commission on LGBTQ Affairs, served as Director of LGBTQ Engagement at the Democratic National Committee and as Vice President at the LGBTQ Victory Fund where he helped double the amount of LGBTQ people elected in the United States. He also has a background as a policy advocate for broadband expansion, consumer protection, and holding corporations and special interests accountable.

Meloy loves science fiction, reading history, and playing board games with family and friends.

For more information visit SeanMeloy.com.

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