Saturday, February 8, 2025

Summer reading: David Jay Collins’ Gay Bash and Summerdale

Looking for a beach or poolside read? David Jay Collins is excited to introduce new readers to his novels, Gaybash (LGBTQ fiction) and Summerdale (LGBTQ horror). 

Gaybash is set in Chicago’s Boystown. Matt Tompkins, a reserved gay man, has always played by the rules and has created a comfortable but unfulfilling life for himself.

When his bold best friend Greg reaps unexpected rewards for standing up for himself in a very public display, Matt’s jealousy leads him to risk everything when he’s confronted by two attackers. 

Determined to be more like Greg, a split-second reaction brings astonishing changes to Matt’s life—for better and for worse. Gaybash explores the boundaries of love and friendship and the unintended consequences of wanting to be somebody else. 

“This novel is centered on gay characters who rise to extraordinary circumstances,” Collins said. “Every reader can identify with the main character’s emotional journey. And anyone can relate to feeling excluded from a community or a family, as these characters do. Gaybash is about trusting yourself and believing in yourself, no matter who you are.”

Summerdale — Four gay men. Four addictions. One landlord from Hell. Welcome to Summerdale, the beginning of a horror novel series set in Chicago’s Andersonville. 

The landlord of Summerdale House is Mr. McGreevy, a charismatic sociopath who enables addiction and isolates his tenants until the only place they feel safe is inside his house. 

Throughout the series, Summerdale will focus on pressing issues in the gay community including racism, misogyny, substance abuse, and domestic abuse. The second Summerdale novel will be released in October 2021.

“At its best, horror is social commentary,” Collins said. “I’m looking forward to bringing these difficult issues to a wider conversation. Each character enters Summerdale House for a different reason, and each chapter is a mystery for the reader to unravel. I often say that Mr. McGreevy won’t haunt your nights, he’ll haunt your days. Which is a lot scarier!”

About David Jay Collins

Collins lives in Chicago and works at Northwestern University. He is currently working on a wide variety of writing and artwork projects.

Follow David Jay Collins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

For more information and to purchase copies of Gay Bash and Summerdale, visit

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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