Saturday, February 8, 2025

Life’s Not Such a Drag When You Can Stream Queens Up Close and “Live”

Creative people have certainly shown that this virus won’t overpower us.

Yes, this is the scariest thing ever to happen in our lifetime, but this story isn’t about corona facts and figures. Instead, it’s about the strength in our people and the creative ways we have taken to survive at home and band together.

Artists have used social media to get their voices heard – whether it be about politics, hope or just for the fun of it.

One such outlet is YouTube videos – and one new channel is OasisTV. The channel was developed by San Francisco’s premiere nightclub, Oasis. “Like they say, necessity is the mother of invention,” says club owner D’Arcy Drollinger, who creates and/or produces most of the theatre’s content. “We film as many of the Oasis produced shows as we can in order to have an archive of what we’ve done to use as a reference point if we ever produce the same show again,” explains Drollinger. “I never imagined that we’d show any of these to the public, but now I’m so glad we have them.”

Oasis has been a go-to place to see an Off-Broadway type show – but in the Bay Area.

Popular for dragging up TV series or developing its own campy comedies, Drollinger happens to have filmed versions of many of its shows, which now air weekly to watch together at home or, of course, to see at any time you wish.

Already aired but still available are the popular “The Golden Girls” and “Absolutely Fabulous” as well as the originals “Above and Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Showgirls” and “I, Nomi.” But a lot more content is coming up, go to to check the schedule and subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications. Seems fans can look forward to another drag edition of “Three’s Company” and checking in with “Patty from HR.” Super excitement comes May 1 for the two-part “Bitch Slap,” one of Drollinger’s ingenious creations, parodying soap operas! This is a definite must-see!

“Of course it’s not the same as seeing them live, but between hearing the audience laugh and the live chat during the premiere’s it almost feels like you’re there,” says Drollinger.

Drollinger adds though, like everyone else, times are tough for the club as they have no nightly revenue and they do have a landlord to think of. “Our landlord is amazing,” Drollinger says. “I would call him a friend first and a landlord second. We couldn’t have opened the club without him, so in that respect, he’s a partner of sorts.”

Of course, Oasis hopes people enjoy their content so much that they contribute via Venmo to @OasisSF to help with lost revenue not only for the club but its troop of dedicated workers.

“I plan on keeping the channel going even after the club opens, with subscription-based programming. Like our own little queer Netflix.”

For those not in the Bay Area, it will be great to keep up with Oasis TV so you can see shows from around the world. To keep this going – and to help prepare for a re-opening, lend your financial support and go to or the YouTube channel:

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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