London “Bank” Comedy is Arrestingly Riotous
If you know me, I go to the theatre for musicals.
So one would be surprised to find out that one of my favorite shows on my recent self-made theatre festival extravaganza to London and New York would involve a play.
Yet after having laughed my ass off for days last year when I saw the Tony winning “The Play That Goes Wrong,” I thought I’d give the mastermind comedic team’s new show a chance: “The Comedy About A Bank Robbery.”

This witty, clever and at the same time sophomoric slapstick comedy has you in stitches from the beginning. If you don’t want to laugh until you roll in the aisles, skip this show. My friends and I debated as I thought this was even more outrageously funny then “The Play That Goes Wrong.” But they loved them both but preferred “Play” over “Bank” But if London, you don’t need to choose as they are both there.
There are three brilliant and riotous men behind these shows: writers Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields. So I don’t need to type all of their names again in future references, let’s call them for now the British Three Stooges. (By the way, these stooges are much cuter.)
These men are pure genius! They find humor in every situation and completely milk it for all they can. If you’re a fan of Monty Python and “Airplane!” then these are names you want to know.

I really don’t even need to talk about the plot much as the titles of their shows say it. So for “Play” or “Bank” just think of anything that can go wrong – and it does. Then think of the impossible: situations that would be so hard to stage that they can’t possibly do it. Well they do.
Both of these shows have the most clever comedic talent that they are fearless – whether it means hanging upside down humming, being slapped hard in the face multiple times, having your clothes ripped off your body or getting covered in water – these things happen all with the stoneface actors.
It would be a disservice to mention any one by name as a standout as they are all comedy geniuses. If you think they can’t be funnier than even the classic comedians – Burns & Allen, Laurel & Hardy, W.C. Fields, Charlie Chaplin, Mel Brooks and even Buster Keaton – this troupe matches their high energy and tongue-in-cheek attitude. And, they are all masters at physical humor.
Our British Stooges seems to have a great formula and are working it at every angle. They’ve also done “The Nativity That Goes Wrong” and “Peter Pan Goes Wrong.” They are also working with Penn & Teller on a show called “Magic Goes Wrong.” Can you imagine – perhaps in this when they saw a woman in half, it really happens.
It likely won’t be easy to remember the Stooges real names so the best way to follow them is to remember Mischief Theatre. They are all part of this theatre company.
Get tickets NOW! for London’s “Bank” comedy at But find out more about their shows in the UK at
If you are on the East Coast and can’t go to Europe, “Play” is Off-Broadway after a run on Broadway and winning a Tony Award:
#MischiefTheatre #TonyWinner #ComedyPlay