Thursday, January 23, 2025

Love and loss through a queer Latino lens

A.G. Castillo releases Valiente: Courage and Consequences, the first book from his newly published book series.

The story illustrates a captivating coming-of-age tale following Chente Jimenez, a high school athlete who must come to terms with who he really is before moving forward in life.

Throughout the book, readers will witness Chente losing his father to a stroke, and his best friend, Jimmy, to suicide. These two tragedies cause him to shut out all of his friends and family in order to cope. Chente reflects on the last conversation with Jimmy, where Jimmy came out to his best friend and allowed Chente an opportunity to speak his truth. As Chente is trying to come to terms with the reflection he sees in the mirror, he accidentally outs himself to his entire high school, which leads to locker room homophobia and malicious cyberbullying.

Castillo pens a series of events that will test Chente’s resilience, challenge his courage and awaken feelings he has guarded and suppressed all his life. He also offers an authentic view of the lives of a lower-middle-class Latino family who embody the true meaning of acceptance and support. By the end of the book, readers will be inspired by Chente speaking his truth and becoming the man he was born to be.

“I wanted this story to teach readers to love and appreciate the reflection in the mirror,” said Castillo. “ I hope it encourages individuals to let their family, friends and the world see who they really are, despite the consequences that may follow. Readers will see the importance of owning the narrative to their story through Chente.”

Valiente: Courage and Consequences is available at Archway PublishingAmazon and Barnes & Noble.

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John Hernandez

John A. Hernandez is a staff writer for Queer Forty with a focus on entertainment. He is also a writer for Vacationer Magazine and a contributor to Bear World Magazine and Gayming Magazine. He has a special love for all things horror and Halloween. He currently resides with his husband in New York City.

John Hernandez has 135 posts and counting. See all posts by John Hernandez

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