Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Luxury giveaway with Fluid Fragrances

The stunning new Fluid Fragrances, which comes from the amazing team of Lynette Reed and Phil Clark, is offering a beautiful gift set to five lucky winners.

Fluid is for everyone… as their website says:

“Fluid is not feeling fixed or bound to any one gender but rather flowing naturally between genders. To not be exclusively male or female, but rather to be both combined or one at one time and another at another time, an evolving mix. To not identify with a fixed gender, yet to define Gender Fluid can be tricky. It is unique to each individual who identifies as being Gender Fluid, and can shift and change depending on the context.”

“The nose has no gender!”

The giveaway is a set of one perfume & matching candle per person worth $80. There are five fragrances in the set: I, Am, A, Human, Being! Which will you win?

To enter simply out the form below and then go over and follow @queerforty and @fluid_fragrances on Instagram.

The competition closes on Wednesday, June 19th and only those that have completed all the questions and followed the Instagram accounts will be eligible for the draw!

Good luck and we hope you enjoy Fluid Fragrances!

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