Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mae Martin to make their Netflix standup debut

Award winning comedian Mae Martin will be filming their hour-long Netflix comedy special debut on December 8 at the Vogue Theater in Vancouver, Canada.

The Canadian-born comedian, actor, and screenwriter wrote and starred in the Netflix comedy series Feel Good and won two Canadian Comedy Awards as part of the comedy troupe The Young and the Useless. They received a nomination for the BAFTA TV Award for Best Female Comedy Performance for their work on Feel Good.

Martin previously made their Netflix comedy special debut with a half-hour set in COMEDIANS of the world in 2019. They also performed in the Stand Out: An LGBTQ+ Celebration special, the largest-ever gathering of LGBTQ+ comics recorded at Netflix Is A Joke: The Festival earlier this year. Both can be streamed on Netflix.

The new Mae Martin special will be directed by acclaimed actor Abbi Jacobson (Broad City) and will film in Vancouver on December 8 and premiere globally on Netflix in 2023.

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