Friday, March 14, 2025

Visit Malta, one of Europe’s most LGBTQ-friendly travel destinations

SPARTACUS Gay Travel Index gives the seal of approval to Malta as an LGBTQ+-friendly travel destination.

The updated Spartacus Gay Travel Index gives an overview of the LGBTQ+ situation in 203 different countries and regions. For the first time last year, Malta came in at the top of the list. 

Not only did Malta host EuroPride, but the Mediterranean island state has been a popular LGBTQ destination with travelers recently and is consistently improving its recognition of gender identity. 

Valletta, Malta
Photo: ewg3D / iStock

According to the European Pride Organisers Association website: “Legislatively (Malta) is far ahead of many other European nations, and the Maltese are welcoming and accepting of LGBTI+ people from far and wide. Malta Pride are organizing a varied and comprehensive EuroPride, which recognizes the strategic importance of Malta in dealing with the current refugee crisis.” 

Valletta, Malta
Photo: Pixabay

Malta may have the top spot according to Spartacus, but other European nations ranked pretty well. Switzerland, who came in second, made the biggest leap in 2023, from seven to 12 points, thanks in part to legislation providing for same-sex marriage and a progressive self-determination law. Germany improved its overall ranking by one point due to legal improvements for intersex people and now ranks ninth in the index along with Iceland, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Over in North America, Canada came in third place, while the winner in the U.S. is once again California. While the rest of the U.S. remains divided on LGBTQ+ issues, California maintains a fulsome queer infrastructure and offers excellent legal protections for LGBTQ+ people. California scored 11 out of a possible 13 points, and three other states – New York, Washington, and Colorado – also received 11 points this year. 

The complete SPARTACUS Gay Travel Index is available for download here. An interactive display can be found here. Two maps allow an easy comparison of the current results with the former ones.

This article was originally published on our sister site, Vacationer Magazine.

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Kyle Jackson

Kyle Jackson is an educator, writer and actor currently spending the bulk of his time between New York, New York and London, England. He is an active member of both the bear and leather communities and is a proud member of the MidAtlantic Chapter of ONYX.

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