Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Marvel comics to introduce gay Captain America during Pride month

Captain America is here, and he’s queer!

Marvel has announced that, in celebration of Captain America’s 80th anniversary and LGBTQ Pride month, they will be releasing the latest version of the popular hero — a gay teenager named Aaron Fischer. In a new series of comics entitled The United States of Captain America, every day people will be given the opportunity to become Captain America, starting with Aaron. 

Written by Christopher Cantwell with art from Dale Eaglesham, the series will see Captain America traveling across the country in search of his stolen shield and encountering a group of people called “The Captains”, who will take on his role. Four former Captain Americas will also be making an appearance, including Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, and John Walker.

Aaron Fischer is described as “the Captain America of the Railways – a fearless teen who stepped up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused”. Each issue will see Cantwell and Eaglesham joined by a lineup of diverse writers and artists to help introduce these new shield-holding Captains and expand on their origin stories. For the first issues, they will be joined by Joshua Trujillo and Jan Bazaldua. 

The issue, which is due out in June, will honor Pride month with the introduction of an LGBTQ hero. “Aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders, and everyday folks pushing for a better life,” Trujillo explained to Bleeding Cool. “He stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers, and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”

“I want to thank Editor Alanna Smith and Joshua Trujillo very much for asking me to create Aaron,” Bazaldua adds. “I really enjoyed designing him, and as a transgender person, I am happy to be able to present an openly gay person who admires Captain America and fights against evil to help those who are almost invisible to society. While I was drawing him, I thought, well, Cap fights against super-powerful beings and saves the world almost always, but Aaron helps those who walk alone in the street with problems that they face every day. I hope people like the end result!”

The United States of Captain America #1 will hit comic shops on June 2, 2021.

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