Saturday, March 1, 2025

Maura Healey shatters lavender ceiling in Massachusetts

The U.S. has never elected an out lesbian governor and Massachusetts AG Maura Healey is one of the first lesbian governors in history.

Maura Healey won the Massachusetts gubernatorial race – becoming the first out LGBTQ governor of Massachusetts and one of the first out lesbian governors in U.S. history. Tina Kotek, who is running for governor in Oregon and whose race has not yet been called, would join Healey in becoming the first two out lesbian governors in the U.S. if elected. Healey previously made history in 2014 when she became the nation’s first out LGBTQ state attorney general.

Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund, issued the following statement:

“It is an uphill battle for LGBTQ candidates and women candidates to win high-level elected office, but Massachusetts voters know Maura is a fighter and today helped her make U.S. political history. Maura is one of the most compassionate and courageous public servants in America, never backing down from a tough fight on behalf of the underdog. In the face of so much hate and intolerance sweeping our nation, her win is a sign – especially to LGBTQ kids in desperate need of hope – that LGBTQ people have a place in American society and can become respected public leaders. We are confident that under Maura’s leadership, Massachusetts will reach new heights as one of the most inclusive states in the country.”

LGBTQ Victory Fund endorsed candidate Maura Healey earned the Democratic nomination in the Massachusetts gubernatorial race. She is now on track to become one of the first out lesbian governors in U.S. history, along with Tina Kotek who is running for governor in Oregon. Healey, 51, previously made history in 2014 when she became the nation’s first out LGBTQ state attorney general. The U.S. has never elected an out lesbian governor.

There are currently only two out LGBTQ governors: Kate Brown in Oregon and Jared Polis in Colorado. To reach equitable representation, the U.S. must elect two more out LGBTQ governors for a total of four, according to Victory Institute’s 2022 Out for America report.

Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund, said: “As attorney general, Maura has used the power of the legal system to fight the opioid epidemic, protect our environment, safeguard LGBTQ rights and so much more. She knows how to disrupt the status quo and get real change done on behalf of her constituents. As governor, we are confident she will leverage this experience to help create a more just future for all Massachusetts residents, especially LGBTQ kids who’ve felt the brunt of anti-LGBTQ attacks this year.”

Victory Fund named Healey a Game Changer candidate, a designation given to congressional and statewide candidates in history-making races, that comes with additional support and services from LGBTQ Victory Fund to ensure they win on Election Day, No. 8.

More information about all of Victory Fund’s endorsed candidates is available at

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