Thursday, February 6, 2025
DragEntertainmentFood & Drink

Meals on Heels Feels Like Great Deals From SF Drag Queen and Company

D’Arcy Drollinger’s plate is full. Literally and figuratively.

The owner of SF Oasis, Drollinger has spent these many months keeping his club afloat in times when no one is allowed to gather. While they don’t have their in-person nightclub guests, they still do have rent and other bills to pay. What we all are going through to survive.

The first thing Drollinger did was start Oasis TV, where previous live versions of the club’s favorite shows have an outlet to broadcast “The Golden Girls,” “Sex and the City,” “Patty from HR” and their various other shows that had been recorded earlier.

Drollinger recently took their YouTube channel to a new level with the introduction of “Hot Trash,” where Drollinger does a weekly news report, mixing politics, humor and an update on Crazy Karens. This show has become my favorite news source as it keeps me updated on real events, but it makes me laugh at the same time. Sometimes Drollinger pushes the envelope perhaps too far as a recent episode was censored by YouTube.

That should be enough to keep a drag queen busy, but Drollinger and her team also started Meals on Heels. They will deliver right to your San Francisco door on a Friday a delicious dinner by a drag queen who will lip-sync with the food delivery. Don’t worry as the drag queen will keep the appropriate social distancing.

This idea came about when SF Oasis was thinking of delivering cocktails to help them during the pandemic. But then they teamed up with Martha Avenue Catering, who was already delivering meals and decided to add the cocktails and the queens to make it more an experience instead of just food delivery.

Two of San Francisco’s most famous drag queens Heklina and Peaches Christ have been enlisted to make some deliveries. Drollinger says Matthew Martin is on deck to do this soon. With Martin, you might get your meal delivered by Blanche from “The Golden Girls” or Bette Davis.

This also has been a great outlet for the queens. “These days you only get to see drag queens perform online,” says Drollinger.  “People are starved for the connection.”

Concerning whether this will expand beyond Fridays or go to the East or North Bays, Drollinger says he’d consider this if the demand is there.

While all of this has kept Drollinger and troupe very busy, the city also gave the green light for outdoor dining so  SF Oasis opened its rooftop and side alley and be serving food, cocktails and drag queens on Fridays-Sundays. Each day will feature two drag performances for guests to enjoy during their meals and cocktails. Like all other open businesses, SF Oasis will follow all safety protocols.

For a full opening of the club, Drollinger says “like everyone else we are waiting to hear from the state and the city.  Like all small businesses, we’re desperate to start operating again.  But I’m determined to see this through and be there for the community when this is over.”

As Drollinger plans and hopes for the pandemic to be over, he is preparing to hopefully produce shows directly from the stage in September to broadcast on their YouTube channel.

Until then, we have Drollinger’s “Hot Trash,” Oasis rooftop meals and cocktails and Meals on Heels. Drollinger is so involved that don’t be surprised if she (pronoun change when Drollinger’s in drag) delivers your meal herself. Heck, I wouldn’t put it past her to also cook it and plate it – but perhaps those talents are best utilized by Martha Avenue Catering.

To keep up with all of this, go to

#SFOasis #OasisTV #SanFranciscoDragQueen #MealsOnHeels #Heklina #PeachesChrist

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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