Meditations with Richelle: Finding the good in 2020
We navigated one of the most challenging years that we will most likely ever face. Now what?
We did it. Did we do it with complete grace and composure? No. But we did it. We hit a wall, it knocked the breath out of us, took our normal away, we stumbled, we fell, we got up, confused and full of unanswered questions. But as the dust begins to settle and we are a bit more sure-footed this is what I know for sure: We all grew beyond human measure. Inside and out.

You are not the person that you were at the beginning of this year. None of us are. We have had to dig deep and grow ourselves in ways and in places we could not have imagined a year ago. You have shape-shifted and caused yourself to be more than you knew or believed you could be. This is deeply important because of what you had to learn about yourself, about your family, your neighbors, your community and the world.
All the ways that you had to surrender and release, what you had to create and remember, ultimately who you had to become to survive this epic restructuring of our worlds. You can, and you must use it. You can use every single bit of it to become the version of yourself that you are here to be.
The world has forever changed. So have we. We get to choose how we will be shaped by this. No one would have asked for this, of course. But our greatest gifts and our biggest growth more often than not come from our biggest challenges. And this was and still is a doozy.

Beloved, you are powerful and divinely gifted. Sometimes it takes something to kick the dirt off and uncover the places that we have been hiding. Something to remove the sludge, the lethargy, the complacency. The part of us that has settled for average. This has been the biggest wake up call ever. Let’s not go back to sleep. There are so many that we have lost during this time. We still get to be here. To live, to love, to create, to make a difference. This is our moment.
Let 2020 be your springboard into your greatest yet to be. There is no time to wait or waste. We have survived, now it’s time to thrive. Our power and our ability to pivot has been revealed as we have waded through day after day and month after month of our foundation being shaken, our sense of security, predictability, and certainly our comfort. We are incredible, adaptable and we are ready.

Stand on top of 2020 the victor of your own life. Harvest the good this time came to bring you. Choose to call forth your Vision. Ask yourself, What would I love in 2021? We are all visioning all of the time. What makes the difference is our awareness. We are limitless in our abilities to create. Will you create this next phase of your life by default or by design? What would you love to be, do create, own and give? Take a deep breath and ask yourself that question. Don’t base it on any external situation or circumstance. Facts change all the time. The Truth never changes.
Join me in meditation
Take this moment. Drop everything and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and ask yourself what would I love? Look at your relationships or imagine the one you’d love to call forth. What does it look like and feel like? What would I love in my health and wellbeing? Imagine yourself as you would love to be fit and fabulous.

Take a breath, turn off any doubts, fears or the how. How is not your business right now. The what is your business. What would you love to do in the world with your vocation, your creative expression and at what level? What would you love to give? This is not a bypass, this is an honoring of how hard this past year has been and what it has shown us. What was already there. Our ability to do and to create, to show up and love in the midst of an ever-changing threat. Something grew in us and I believe that it was clarity about who we truly are and what we can do. We can take this to the next level.
You are an extraordinary being whose unique gift is needed. You deserve every good thing. If you can imagine it you can have it. Let’s be the love this world needs. Show up beyond this time powerfully and truly create a world that works. I can see it. Can you?

You are invited to my free Vision Workshop
Step into possibility and create clear roads into manifesting a Golden Life, a life full of purpose, power, and gratitude. We have been taught to toil and struggle, work hard, climb ladders, sacrifice. In this online workshop conducted via Zoom I will teach you another way. You will journey from a life lived by default to an extraordinary life lived by your design.
The Vision Workshop is free to all and takes places on December 19 at 10:30 AM-12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada).
Register in advance via Zoom here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.