Wednesday, March 12, 2025
CommunityLGBTQ+ Rights

Meet Lambda Legal’s new powerhouse, Lauren Mutti

Lambda Legal is pleased to announce it has elected Lauren Mutti to serve as the new Chair of its Board of Directors.

Lauren Mutti is an expert in labor and discrimination law, and she previously served as a Vice-Chair of Lambda Legal’s Board of Directors.

Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.

Lauren Mutti joins Lambda Legal

“Ms. Mutti has been an invaluable member of our Board for nearly four years, playing a vital role in the development of Lambda’s new strategic plan as co-chair of our Strategic Planning Committee,” said Lambda Legal CEO Kevin Jennings. “We are thrilled to welcome Ms. Mutti to her new role at the helm of our Board, and we look forward to her leadership as we continue to advance the important mission of Lambda Legal.”

Ms. Mutti serves as the Senior Vice President of Labor and Employment at Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits. In her role, she manages a team that oversees the company’s collective bargaining and labor matters, as well as employment litigation and nation-wide training on employee discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. In addition to her legal work, she serves as the Executive Sponsor of the Cheers to Pride BRG at Southern Glazer’s. Before her time at Southern Glazer’s, Ms. Mutti was a partner at Jackson Walker LLP, where her practice focused on defending employers in both federal and state courts, as well as administrative proceedings. In her non-litigation practice, she advised and counseled employers on legal, compliance, and risk management relating to employment and human resource issues.

Ms. Mutti holds a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University and a J.D. from The University of Texas School of Law. She lives in Dallas with her wife and their three children.

“Whether it’s equal rights in the workplace, securing access to health care, or protecting our youth — I’m committed to fighting for the full recognition of civil rights for LGBTQ+ Americans and everyone living with HIV  in all areas of life,” Ms. Mutti said. “I’m honored to be leading Lambda Legal’s Board as we help steer this organization’s critical work.”

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