Saturday, July 27, 2024

Meet the Gatriarchs on the latest episode of Queer Family Podcast

The latest episode of the Queer Family Podcast is out now! Surrogacy Shenanigans with “The Gaytriarchs” Dads.

Gavin and David, hosts of the podcast “Gaytriarchs,” discuss their experiences with surrogacy and parenting as gay men. They share their journeys of finding egg donors and surrogate carriers, and the decisions they made along the way. The hosts also touch on the unique aspects of gay parenting and the need for constant conversations and decision-making, as well as the importance of authenticity and laughter in navigating the challenges and joys of queer parenting.

“We need to educate, but I think we also just need to fucking laugh and lighten up and sit around and be like, when did you get shit on?”- David F.M. Vaughn

Listen to The Queer Family Podcast, S14 Ep 4 here.

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