Sunday, January 26, 2025

Megan Thee Stallion to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe

If you thought the Marvel Cinematic Universe was feeling a bit stale lately, then you’ll be happy to know that American rapper Megan Thee Stallion will be shaking things up!

The rapper is best known for her evocative lyrics that has plagued the minds of many a repressed Republican, and while her music remains as catchy as ever, Megan Thee Stallion looks as though she’ll be dipping her toes into acting. She’s already had several appearances in various projects, such as Starz’s P-Valley. However, now it seems she’s looking to make an even bigger splash by debuting in Marvel’s She-Hulk: Attorney At Law.

Megan Thee Stallion’s cameo appearance was confirmed by Deadline, though it hasn’t been revealed who her character actually is. However, thanks to Josh Segarra, who is playing an attory called Augustus “Pug” Pugliese in an upcoming episode, we do have some sort of idea on what to expect from the rapper’s appearance.

“A gentleman is being catfished by somebody that lives in another universe. Let’s say… Another world,” Segarra teased. Segarra then confirmed to Deadline that the catfisher in particular is pretending to be a certain recording artist. Sounds like a job for Catfish hosts Nev Schulman and Max Joseph if you ask us.

She-Hulk, the latest Marvel show on Disney Plus, follows Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany), the cousin of Bruce Banner aka The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) who is forced to adapt to a whole lifestyle change thanks to her new Hulk abilities. The show deals with the double standards and sexism in every day society, a particularly poignant theme considering the drastic difference in appearance between She-Hulk and Hulk.

The series has had a somewhat rocky start due to the amount of review bombing it received, but that hasn’t stopped it from being widely discussed on various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

She-Hulk’s next (and third) episode will air exclusively on Disney Plus on Thursday, September 1.

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