Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Melissa Etheridge releases never-before-seen studio footage in ‘For the Last Time’

Featuring unearthed in-studio footage, the award-winning singer/songwriter teases her new album One Way Out.

Melissa Etheridge has released “For The Last Time”, the second single from her upcoming album One Way Out – to be released on September 17 via BMG. Etheridge has released the accompanying music video, which features never before seen studio footage from 2013. Both songs are part of a collection of music written by Etheridge in the late ’80s and early ’90s that at the time she just never felt comfortable to release — until now!

Etheridge stumbled upon these decades old demos years ago while gathering material for a retrospective box set. As she went through the songs, it brought her back to the start of her career. Some of the tracks were written before she had even come out and while at the time she hadn’t felt comfortable releasing them, she knew they would be perfect for the box set.

In 2013, the rocker and activist found herself back at Henson Studios in Los Angeles with her original band (Fritz Lewak, John Shanks, Kevin McCormick) and would begin working on new material and once again, those songs were set aside. That is, until 2020 when she was sorting through old files to share with fans on Etheridge TV’s Friday Night Time Machine show. The time was finally right. Now, fans will finally get a deeper glimpse into the Melissa from way back when.

Etheridge has also confirmed a U.S. tour that will include new and rescheduled dates from 2020 details at

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