Sunday, March 30, 2025

Men Having Babies conference returns to New York for 19th year!

For gay men who want to become fathers, the journey to parenting and building a family requires a concerted effort and a new event offers dads-to-be a plethora of information on the multiple processes that can lead to family-building.

Fifteen percent (14.7%) of the 1.1 million same-sex couples in the United States in 2019 had at least one child under 18 in their household, compared with 37.8% of opposite-sex couples, according to a U.S. Census Bureau analysis of Current Population Survey (CPS) data released in 2020. The number is likely higher, with more gay men, anecdotally, seeking out fertility options and paths to parenthood that may include adoption, fostering, or surrogacy.

Men Having Babies (MHB) is a nonprofit organization with the mission to help gay men who wish to have biological children by providing education, financial assistance, and through advocacy.   

This September, MHB is bringing its internationally-known conference back to New York City for the 19th year. The weekend-long conference will cover the medical, legal, social and financial aspects of surrogacy and egg donation, including detailed guidance on budgeting and insurance. Prospective parents will come out of the conference with better understanding of the process, its suitability to your parenting vision and values, how to prepare for it, and the resources, community, and professionals who can help you through it.

Topics covered include:

  • MHB’s various financial assistance options
  • How to use our organization’s resources and peer advice to help you with your research
  • Surrogacy ethics and laws
  • The possibility of IVF insurance coverage from your employer
  • Multiple perspectives and stories of those who have gone though surrogacy: surrogates, egg donors, other surrogacy dads, and teenage children born via surrogacy

The MHB team consists of gay dads, surrogates and allies, and will be on hand to guide attendees to becoming informed and connected in the decision-making process. Also available will be personalized expert advice from some of the best, most gay-friendly professionals in the US and Canada.

Men Having Babies is at Westin New York at Times Square, September 29 – October 1, 2023. Registration and more information here.

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