Sunday, February 23, 2025

Messy queer friendships in your 30s and 40s? Dip into this graphic novel

Archie Bongiovanni’s original queer graphic novel MIMOSA is a frank, funny, and drama-filled queer journey.

Archie Bongiovanni

MIMOSA is a story of found family as they discover the friendships of their twenties may not necessarily translate well into their thirties or forties.

What’s it about? Best friends and chosen family Chris, Elise, Jo, and Alex work hard to keep themselves afloat. Their regular brunches hold them together even as the rest of their lives threaten to fall apart. In an effort to avoid being the oldest gays at the party, the crew decides to put on a new queer event called Grind–specifically for queers in their dirty thirties. While navigating exes at work, physical and mental exhaustion, and drinking way, way too much on weekdays, this chosen family proves that being messy doesn’t always go away with age.

Bongiovanni, 36, told Queer Forty about their inspiration for the graphic novel:

“I really wanted to draw a longer narrative about a bunch of queers in their thirties whose lives looked similar to mine and my friends! Which is to say: very loose job security, roommates, and a chaotic love life.

“I also wanted to draw a comic depicting a chosen family as a constant choice people make together, not just depicted as people we’ve known the longest. And the more the characters took shape as individuals, the more they inspired the story itself as well!”

Take a sneak peek at MIMOSA below:

Find out more about the book and get it here.

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