Saturday, January 25, 2025

Miami Beach Pride celebrates 14th year

Since it began in 2009, Miami Beach Pride has grown from a local to a global event, attracting 80,000 visitors last year alone. This is only the second year, however, that it has been a 10-day celebration.

Currently ongoing from April 1st, this year’s festivities will wrap up this weekend with an expansive festival and parade.

This year’s theme is “There’s No Place Like Home”, an obvious nod to The Wizard of Oz and a reminder of the importance of chosen family and community. Miami Beach Pride’s programming for the event has reflected that theme with a Queer Arts Showcase and the Social Justice, Health & Wellness Evening taking place earlier in the week. The festivities kick into high gear tonight with the 2nd annual “Legends Ball” featuring performances from various houses in the ballroom scene. Friday there will be the VIP Beach Affair, Saturday will be the first day of the Pride Festival and Sunday will feature a continuation of the festival and the Pride Parade down Ocean Avenue.

The Pride Festival is expected to attract around 150,000 people. It will be held in Lummus Park and will feature dozens of vendors and live entertainment. On Saturday, in addition to multiple DJs in attendance, there will be performances by Martyrini, Genesis Diaz, Lady M and Latin pop star Srta Dayana (among others). Sunday will be headlined by global sensation RAYE. Janice Robinson, Robbie Elias and the new sensation Tai’Aysha from Atlantic Records/ Icon Music Group will be performing Sunday as well.

Tai’Aysha’s appearance comes on the heels of the release of her new single “One Night Ting (FT Saweetie)”. A free spirit in the truest sense, Tai’Aysha radiates confidence, speaks without filter, and might just brighten your day. Her music moves through R&B, pop, bachata, merengue, reggae, and hip-hop moods with a nimble and natural elasticity tailor made for the dance floor. “It’s about cutting loose, letting go, and throwing yourself into the night,” Tai’Aysha said in reference to her new single which you can download HERE.

As Tai’Aysha and co. turn up the heat at the festival on Sunday, the parade will be concurrently making its way down Ocean Avenue. This year’s Grand Marshalls are writer/ director Max Emerson, Enrique Santos of iHeart Latino and DJ/ producer Tracy Young. The parade will feature over 150 contingents with all the lavish floats, dancers, cheerleaders and drag queens you’ve come to expect.

Looks like the Pride season is off to a great start! Get full details on Miami Beach Pride HERE.

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