Thursday, January 30, 2025

Movie review: ‘X’ marks the spot

Spice up your weeknight viewing with the stylish, sexy, sexually fluid movie, X.

An innovative erotic thriller, recently-released feature film “X,” starts off paying homage to “Eyes Wide Shut.” But if you follow the pace and unfolding story from director and co-writer Scott J. Ramsey, you will start to fit puzzle pieces together in more of a modern Shakespearean tale as a group of northern Californians get together for an ongoing masked event that leads to a sex party.

The characters are very sexually fluid and the movie doesn’t focus on gay or straight. It focuses on desires and fetishes. These parties start off innocently enough with time to mingle and dine. Guests are permitted to leave after that. But if you stay, you’re able to succumb to your hidden desires.

Feeling shy? This movie is not even close to being on the verge of porn. Instead, it delves into what turns people on, often with flashbacks that may have triggered their initial sexual interest. These scenes are juxtaposed with scenes of the event planners, mainly X (played by Hope Raymond), her everyday life as a Christian, and shows how she tries to seduce people into attending these events.

For a somewhat low budget ($150K), “X” is very stylized and seductive. The set used for the house is somewhat grandiose and looks just like a place you’d go to in order to not only feel free, but to feel you’re living the life of the rich and famous. Perfect for those who remain as there is quite a fee to attend these parties.

Ramsey, with co-writer Hannah Katherine Jost, painstakingly put their hearts and souls into every aspect of this film — from sets to music to casting. You can see their passion on the screen and you can learn more about its making here. The film might have benefited from a bit of editing, but with the budget they had and the quality of the final project, “X” is definitely worth a look.

X is available on all popular streaming devices.

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for and contributes to as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

Kevin M. Thomas has 157 posts and counting. See all posts by Kevin M. Thomas

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