Thursday, February 13, 2025

Moving to the Hudson Valley NY

We recently caught up with Martin Salerno, a property expert from and asked him about life in the Hudson Valley. 

He told us: “The Hudson Valley offers a diverse community, lots of great restaurants and outdoor activities. Also,there is a train to get you in and out of NYC in just two hours.”

Q40: What are house prices like, compared to New York City?

MS: Obviously, each town varies but I would say depending on what someone is looking for we have options at all levels. The vast majority of people coming here are looking for a value… where else can they go to find a decent house for under $250,000 some even lower under $150,000 too?!

Most of my clients now,  I find are coming from Brooklyn and are 25 to 35 years old and looking to get into the real estate game. They have been priced out of Brooklyn so this is where they are coming. as many can work remotely several days a week. In Hudson itself, you can still get a small house with a small yard that needs work for under $300,000. If you want something larger the prices jump to $450,000 – $750,000. However, in towns like Catskill, Athens, Kinderhook, Ghent or Claverack, you can still find a decent home for as low as $200,000. These towns offer everything from a 70’s style ranch to a 200 year old historic Dutch farmhouse.

A House currently on the market for $220,000 in the region.

Q40: How far away from NYC is it and is it an easy commute?

MS: The commute is just around 2 hours from Penn Station and the train runs along the Hudson River… it is truly one of the most relaxing pretty rides in the US. The scenery is breathtaking… you see the many mansions on the hills, Westpoint, Vassar College and the Catskill mountains in the distance.

Metro-North along the Hudson

Q40: How friendly is the area for weekend people?

MS: The entire area very much caters to weekenders. Hudson generally has a population of about 7,000 but on the weekend it increases tremendously. The area is very casual yet we have everything from the fancy Fish and Game restaurant, to casual easy dining at the local Red Dot. The area has many wineries, breweries. skiing, hiking and swimming too… all within a half hour of Hudson.

Downtown Hudson

Q40: Are there historical properties?

MS: The Hudson Valley throughout the 1800’s was the summer playground of most, if not all of the famous wealthy families of NYC. The Astors, Vanderbilts, Roosevelts, Livingston’s and many others left NYC to escape the awful heat during the summer months to enjoy the cooler temperatures in their mansions along the majestic Hudson River. Most of their grand homes are now museums that you can tour. You can also tour Fredrick Church’s home, Thomas Cole’s home, the Widerstein, Bard College and visit many many other historic homes that run along the Hudson River… the amount of history throughout the entire area is beyond amazing.

Q40: Is it easy to renovate homes? Are there any legal restrictions?

MS: Renovations in the historic towns now in most cases do require plans to be submitted before the historic boards but it’s nothing like NYC or other downstate communities. Renovations are never easy but with the right realtor who can refer trusting contractors, plumbers and so on it does make it a bit more manageable and much less stressful.

Q40: What would you say are the key benefits of living in the Hudson area.

MS: It has to be the diversity, the outdoor activities, and that it’s an antique mecca. Warren St alone offers over 50 antique stores and has become a design capital for NYC interior decorators. We have amazing restaurants, skiing in swiming, and cultural events at local places like Bard College and Clermont, which are very popular. create many LGBT focused events in the region

Q40: What would be your sales pitch for the area to encourage people to move?

MS: It’s affordable, compared to the Hamptons, Fire Island, or the Jersey Shore. You get so much more for your money. It’s easy to get to by train and you do not need to go through a tunnel or switch trains like going to Jersey or Fire Island. You can be as social as you’d like or enjoy some quiet solitude.

Thanks, Martin, Hudson certainly seems the place to be!

If you are considering buying in the Hudson Valley, look no further than Martin Salerno. He’s one of the nicest realtors we have ever met, goes above & beyond because he knows how wonderful it is to live in the Hudson Valley Area, and he loves to welcome new people to it.

Click here for the properties Martin is currently selling:

Martin Salerno, Lic. R.E. Salesperson

RSPS  – Certified Resort & Second Home Property Specialist 

SFR – Short Sale and Foreclosure Reserve Specialist – Catskill Office

Office: 518.943.7533 x12
Mobile: 917.734.8161
Fax: 518.943.7534

Read testimonials about Martin here:

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