Wednesday, March 12, 2025

NCOA Photo Contest Showcases the Richness of Aging Well in America

For its 2020 Age+Action Virtual Conference, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) invited photographers and artists from around the country to submit work exploring the artistic expression of Aging Well for All—how older adults are making the most of their longevity. 

“The winning entries beautifully showcase the richness of aging well in America,” said Ken Bracht, NCOA Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer. “The judges were amazed by the quality of all submissions—totaling more than 1,000 images—from both award-winning professionals and self-taught photographers.”

The winning photographs and artists were announced at NCOA’s 2020 Age+Action Virtual Conference, June 8-11, the first national gathering of aging services professionals in the COVID-19 era. The 4-day online event featured 150+ speakers and 100+ sessions designed to help community-based organizations better serve older adults.

First Place went to A Loving Touch, submitted by Allan Mestel of Longboat Key, FL. The black-and-white photo features an older interracial couple in an intimate moment. (Feature pic) 

“The judges chose this photo because of its artistry, poignancy, sensitivity, and dignity,” Bracht said. “I’m stunned I won first place,” Mestel said.

Second Place was awarded to Grandma Quality Time from Michael Paras of Maplewood, NJ. It’s a Norman Rockwell scene of a wide-eyed toddler and her grandmother enjoying a chocolate shake and each other.

Grandma Quality Time, Second Place Winner.

The Merit and Honorable Mention awards include photos of older adults of all races and backgrounds.

  • Merit: On The BenchMark CogginsBread BakerMichael ParasPay AttentionSusan Sidebottom; and Work Out #3Maria Trunk
  • Honorable Mention: Diane BernardTom AtwoodTime To Go HomeEdward BochesHands On ChestMarna ClarkeAt The Park, Judi Iranyi; MemoryCharlotte NielOne Day Like The NextCharlotte NielGrandmomNickolas NikolicBenLeroy SkalstadRed DoorJohn Tiedje; and Portraits Of DementiaJoe Wallace

Two Honorable Mention artists have created photographic series that spotlight important issues in aging. Tom Atwood’s series Kings & Queens in Their Castles portrays the LGBTQ experience in the U.S. Portraits of Dementia by Joe Wallace features images of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease.

The public is invited to view the complete NCOA online gallery of all selected photographs and artists here:

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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