Monday, February 10, 2025
Health & HappinessHolidays

Happy New Year! Don’t forget your Booze Bandage!

Be prepared to beat your hangover as you ring in the New Year with this handy helper.

Last night I went to my first holiday party in what seems like forever. It was magical. The location overlooking New York’s Columbus Circle was stunning, a pianist was playing holiday tunes on a baby grand piano, the bar was free and the cheese buffet was sumptuous! But with a free bar comes a hangover, and I needed Booze Bandage!

Hangovers are something we are all likely to get in the coming weeks now that we are able to see friends and family who we haven’t seen for a long time. I know that this won’t be my last holiday hangover!

Booze Bandage is a hangover prevention patch containing all natural Thiamine, commonly known as B1 vitamin. Thiamine is a necessity for a healthy immune system and it has also proven to be effective in preventing and recovering from hangovers. 

Sounds too good to be true right? Well I had the opportunity to chat to the wonderful man, Cory Dady, who created this magical patch that I hope will help me out as I celebrate and party a little too much!

Richard Jones: Hi Cory, good to chat with you! Tell me, how and why did you develop Booze Bandage?

Cory Dady: So how I developed it is kind of always my joke, but the truth is I moved to Key West and started drinking too much, and at almost 40 I had to figure out a way to get rid of the terrible two day hangovers!

How I developed it, I can’t take all the credit for that. The transdermal patch has been around for many years now and that is the technology that gets the vitamin into your bloodstream. The reason for B1, also known as Thiamine, is because that has been found to be one of the main vitamins depleted from your system when consuming alcohol. So essentially, what the patch is doing is just replacing what you are taking out when drinking. 

RJ: How often can you use it?

You can’t technically use the patch too much! You can use one every day as B1 is an essential vitamin in the human body and is not naturally produced. We only get this from food sources or vitamin pills. The big difference of the patch is the effectiveness of it. Because it is being absorbed into your bloodstream directly, you will be getting almost 100% of the vitamin as opposed to taking vitamins orally where your stomach processes out about 75% of them.

RJ: If I don’t drink but want a vitamin boost can it do that?

Yes, it is absolutely a great source of the vitamin even if you don’t drink. B1 vitamin deficiency is a very common thing that most people don’t even know they have.

RJ: Are there any side effects?

So as far as side effects go, if you are allergic to B1, or Thiamine, absolutely there will be very negative side effects. That being said, if you were allergic, you would know it and know to stay away from it as it is in a lot of common foods we eat.

Now on the other side no, there are not really any side effects at all. The vitamin is all natural and with the time release patch, your body will take it what it needs and process out the rest. You cannot overdose on B1. The only thing we have seen which is nothing serious at all, but is skin irritation. So, if you are someone who has sensitive skin, sometimes the patch can leave a slight rash as you typically want to have it on at least 6-8 hours so your body absorbs all the vitamins.

It is a patch being applied to your skin so other irritations we have seen are sometimes sweating in hot weather or if you put it in a freshly shaved spot.

If you want to help chase away those Holiday hangovers, head to and get some supplies!

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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