Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Neil Patrick Harris shares adorable Thanksgiving preview

Have you subscribed to NPH’s newsletter yet? You need to right now because the Thanksgiving edition is out.

Wondercade, Neil Patrick Harris’s newsletter anticipates the holiday season with some scrumptious Thanksgiving recipes such as Spuds with three different fillings: Mashed potatoes, savory stuffing and mashed sweet potatoes; five highly recommended cookbooks to lean on, including a shameless plug for hubby David Burtka’s Life Is a Party, some very interesting cocktails and cooking accessories; and some pretty cool kitchen techniques.

This is your chance to live vicariously through NPH’s household, and all their classy discoveries. Harris, 48, and Burtka, 46, have it down pat, creatimg and sharing their personal domestic traditions hashtag gay excellence.

Says NPH: “We’ve got a brand new Burtka recipe that will liven up your approach to Thanksgiving sides without descending into utter heresy. We’ve got an exclusive inventory of all the tools and books that make the Burtka-Harris kitchen tick. And we’ve got a guest appearance from mixologist Kevin Denton that will teach you how to whip up some tasty Turkey Day tipples with ingredients you almost certainly already have on hand.”

“Happy very early Thanksgiving to you and yours. I’m deeply appreciative to everyone who has signed up and joined our circus.”

If this is a circus, sign us up!

And you can sign up for the newsletter here.

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