Monday, March 3, 2025

New look for popular parenting podcast, If These Ovaries Could Talk

The popular podcast “If These Ovaries Could Talk,” will be rebranded as “The Queer Family Podcast, with Jaimie Kelton and Friends” as of February 6, 2023.

Launched in 2017, the popular podcast has continued to grow and expand its audience and will rebrand as “The Queer Family Podcast, with Jaimie Kelton and Friends,” with Jaimie as primary host, joined by guest co-hosts, past guests and telling new stories of diverse queer families. Originally co-hosted by Kelton and Robin Hopkins, the show was an audience success and stood out in a field with little to no content for queer families. After Robin’s departure, E~ Bradshaw, a non-binary, black parent joined as co-host for one season.

Said Jaimie Kelton: “I cannot wait for my longtime listeners and new audiences to experience this revamped, powerful, and joyful platform for our queer families to tell their stories. As the show has grown and we see the challenges queer families continue to face, our shared stories of joy, challenge and resilience are needed more than ever. I’m deeply committed to including the full constellation of ‘queer’ families and give voice to a part of the LGBTQ community that does not see itself represented as much as it should in the podcasting world.”

Rosie O’Donnell is a longtime supporter of the podcast: “As a gay mom who’s been out in Hollywood for a long time, I know how much representation matters to all the queer families out there. This show gives us a chance to tell our stories with love, honesty, and humor.

“I started creating my family when coming out could ruin your career in show business. Things have changed a lot since then, but we’ve still got a long way to go. That’s why shows like The Queer Family Podcast are so important. When Jaimie interviewed me about my family in 2019, I told her, ‘Keep on telling these stories’ — and she’s done just that. I can’t wait to see how the new show takes our queer families’ story to the next level and a bigger audience! With politicians trying to erase our families in schools and attacks on our youth only escalating, this podcast is more important than ever.”

Kelton started the podcast 5 years ago after a 2.5-year bout of unexplained infertility. Her wife gave birth to their firstborn child relatively easily in 2013. When Kelton’s “turn” came to get pregnant things did not go as smoothly as the first did. They tried multiple fertility and technological avenues but after 2.5 years Kelton was still not able to get pregnant. She began looking for other stories like hers, reading articles and blogs and searching endlessly through infertility podcasts. She found nothing. Everything was geared toward straight people. She started to wonder why there wasn’t a podcast for our families.

Eventually, Kelton got pregnant. During her pregnancy she decided to start that podcast idea. Initially partnering with lesbian mom Robin Hopkins, who had experience in podcasting,  the popularity of the show grew quickly. People began writing to the hosts, asking to tell their stories, thanking them for creating this safe space for our community and helping us on their journeys. They were approached to write a book deal and released “If These Ovaries Could Talk: in 2020. 

Despite their success, the show was perceived as too “niche,” and they were told  “our audience isn’t ready for this kind of content”  by the mainstream. After 9 seasons, Robin left as host and E~ joined Jaimie for one season. 

For more information, go to: 

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