Saturday, July 27, 2024
Health & Happiness

New Masculinities Festival

Man Question, an organization dedicated to combating toxic masculinity, is thrilled to announce it’s 6th annual New Masculinities Festival happening October 20th at the LGBT Center from 4-9pm.

The show features theater, dance, performance art, and more exploring the impacts of the expectations of masculinity through these mediums. This year features a wide array of talented performers tackling this timely question, and beginning to move towards new possibilities for manhood.

This year, there will also be a post-festival workshop giving performers and attendees an opportunity to dive deeper into topics brought up in the performances in a hands on way.

Tickets are just $15/$20 and include healthy snacks and 5 hours of performances! (You can also just come for part of the day).

Learn more about the New Masculinities Festival by clicking here:

See you at the fest!

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