Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Health & Happiness

New study on strokes and LGBTQ+ sexuality

An international study is exploring the impact of strokes on sexuality in LGBTQ+ stroke survivors and their partners.

A full-time hospital Social Worker who specializes in rehabilitation and works with stroke survivors has found that stroke resources and rehabilitation approaches are heteronormative in nature and often leave people who are LGBTIQ+ and their partners particularly vulnerable.

“Sexuality is integral to wellbeing and confidence, and yet there is currently no research on how stroke impacts members of the LGBTIQ+ community,” says William Kokay. “My research aims to explore how sexuality is experienced by LGBTQI+ persons and their partners following stroke. This information is critical in order to develop best practice interventions to support sexual health and well-being among this population.”

“My hope is that this research can amplify the voices of LGBTIQ+ stroke survivors and bring an important perspective to a health issue in the LGBTIQ+ community that is currently not addressed.  This will also lead to the future development of inclusive sexual rehabilitation resources for stroke survivors and their partners,” says Kokay.

Many stroke-focused organizations do not collect data about sexual orientation, and as such it is hard to find these stroke survivors. Additionally, sometimes members of the LGBTQI+ community can have trust issues due to previous poor treatment from health services.

So how can you help?

The study is open to people who are (i) Aged 18 years and older (ii) living in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada or United Kingdom (iii) identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer / questioning or intersex (iv) have experienced a stroke or are a partner of a person who has experienced a stroke.

Further information at www.tinyurl.com/LGBTQI-stroke-study. The study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Sydney [2021/719].

Follow the research on Facebook or Instagram at @strokelgbtiresearch.

If you are interested in participating in the study, reach out to:

Mr William Kokay
PhD Candidate
Sydney School of Health Sciences

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