Saturday, February 15, 2025

New to Here TV for January

Here is a selection of great, shows, films and documentaries new to Here TV this month.

Girls Voices Now – starring Diana Peña, Siouxsie Luna, Blanca Herniquez, Gabriela Olmedo-Valdez – Season one of this insightful series features 3 short films from Girls’ Voices Now, a summer youth program that amplifies the voices of young women from underrepresented communities in Los Angeles by teaching documentary filmmaking.

After Louie – Starring Alan Cumming, Zachary Booth, Sarita Choudhury, David Drake & Wilson Cruz. Directed by Vincent Gagliostro

An artist and former AIDS activist is disillusioned with the world around him until he develops an unexpected relationship with a younger man.

The Art of Intersection – starring Aaron Hicklin, Thomas Page McBee, Caitlin Kinnunen, Zac Young

The LGBTQ community is often caught between two worlds. They fight for acceptance while also pursuing their passions in search of their American Dream. Hosted by Aaron Hicklin, The Art of Intersection series breaks down these barriers by uniting a diverse group of creative minds to discuss their crafts and passions while demonstrating how their quest for equality intersects with their artistry. 

Relish – Starring Tyler DiChiara, Hana Hayes, Mateus Ward, Rio Mangini, Chelsea Zhang. Directed by Justin Ward

A teenage social media influencer and four teenage outcasts escape a private treatment facility, led by a rebellious transgender young man, go on a life-changing road trip, and discover they have a lot more in common than they ever imagined.

HellBent – Starring Dylan Fergus, Bryan Kirkwood, Hank Harris, Andrew Levitas & Matt Phillips. Directed by Paul Etheredge

Hellbent is celebrating its 21st Birthday and has had a makeover, well a remaster as they call it in the movies. Well worth a view anytime of the year. A serial killer has been trailing a group of guys in West Hollywood attending the Halloween festivities. They’ll have to fight for their lives to survive the night.

 For some of the best LGBT shows, movies and documentaries head to…

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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