Monday, January 20, 2025

One Iowa to host LGBTQ older adults conference

One Iowa is hosting the LGBTQ Older Adults Conference at UnityPoint Education & Resource Center on Friday, August 19.

The conference, which is based on the theme of Aging with Dignity for LGBTQ Older Adults, will bring medical, social service, and advocacy experts together to discuss the issues facing older LGBTQ adults and find inclusive and intergenerational solutions to ensure they can age with dignity and grace. 

According to SAGE, while the U.S. census has never measured how many LGBTQ+ people live in America, reports estimate that there are currently around 3 million LGBTQ+ adults over age 50. That number is expected to grow to around 7 million by 2030. More facts on LGBTQ aging from SAGE here.

The LGBTQ Older Adults Conference brings experts from the medical, social service, and advocacy fields together to discuss the issues facing LGBTQ older adults and find an inclusive and intergenerational solution to ensure they can age with dignity and grace. LGBTQ individuals and professionals who deliver services to older adults are encouraged to attend the conference.

Topics that will be covered include: LGBTQ healthcare best practices, LGBTQ adults in assisted care, Addressing social isolation, Alzheimer’s & Dementia in LGBTQ adults, Inclusive end-of-life planning, Knowing your legal rights, and more.

Aging and Longevity Studies Program at the University of Iowa and longtime social justice advocate Mandy Carter, founder of the Black National Justice Coalition, are the keynote speakers.

Aging with Dignity for LGBTQ Older Adults is on Friday, August 19, 2022 @ 8:00 AM, UnityPoint Education & Resource Center Des Moines, 1200 Pleasant St, Des Moines, IA 50309.

Tickets are available by clicking here.

About One Iowa

One Iowa was founded in 2005 to advocate for LGBTQ Iowans’ right to marry. The original goal of the organization was realized on April 3, 2009 when the Iowa Supreme Court made the unanimous decision in Varnum v. Brien to make marriage equality a reality in Iowa.

The organization then changed course and dedicated itself to defending the right to marry from powerful opponents. In 2012, it became clear that marriage equality in Iowa no longer needed the vigorous defense it once did.

We shifted our focus to a comprehensive approach to ensure LGBTQ Iowans’ rights and dignity are respected in every facet and stage of their lives. One Iowa’s current mission is to advance, empower, and improve the lives of LGBTQ Iowans statewide.

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