Monday, February 24, 2025

All episodes to gay polyamory series Open To It are now streaming!

A queer comedy series about a loving gay couple, who experiments with becoming a hot gay throuple. But threesome sex and open relationships come with more complications than extra limbs.

Frank Arthur Smith’s new queer comedy Open To It is a hilarious new series premiering on OUT TV beginning January 2 with new episodes releasing each week.

The LGBTQ+ dating comedy follows Greg (Frank Arthur Smith) and Cam (Tim Wardell), a loving gay couple who are ready to take their relationship to the next level. But threesome sex and open relationships come with more complications than limbs. Each episode dives into the do’s and don’ts of their polyamorous relationship, laying out common fears and anxieties that come with, while also revealing how Greg and Cam navigate through their new experience to ensure success and comfort on both ends. I’d like to gauge your interest in speaking with writer, actor, and director Frank Arthur Smith about the series, the how to’s, do’s and don’ts of non-traditional relationships, and more.

After the first three episodes gained millions of views online, Season One of Open To It was officially picked up and will be premiering on OUT TV in its entirety on January 16.

Here are the loglines for each episode:

1. Open to Threesomes – Runtime 10:53

Greg and Cam are a loving gay couple living in West Hollywood. Tonight, they’re having their first ever threesome together! Greg is wary, despite the ego boost that another man wanting him will bring. By contrast, Cam is confident everything will work out. He’s always been the more sexually evolved of the two. With their relationship in a stable place of love and respect, now is the time to experiment!

2. Open to Polyamory – Runtime 10:47

Cam has to go visit his abuela in Vegas, but gives Greg his blessing to see Princeton without him. When Elsa and Reggie knock at the door, curious about who Greg’s guest will be, he heads to Princeton’s, to avoid further scrutiny. Once there, things get pretty…. hot.

3. Open to Break-up Sex

Cam returns to town, eager to see Princeton, figuring Greg’s awkward encounter was a one-off …it’s a two-off. After their uncomfortable sack session, the guys decide to break things off with Princeton. Unfortunately, hot guys don’t like being told no, as is demonstrated when Princeton shows up unexpectedly at the guy’s friend’s talent show, where Cam is performing in drag for the first time.

4. Open to Voyeurism

The Bartender proves to be much more into Cam than Greg, yet finds creative ways to hide it: telling Greg it’s hot when he JUST watches, asking Greg to get him and Cam water…multiple, multiple times. Eventually, though, when the Bartender’s bias becomes too obvious, like when he full on pushes Greg out of bed, Cam dismisses the Bartender at last. Princeton feels bad the guys ghosted him after he was…less than gentlemanly. For comfort, he shows up on the doorstep of Elsa and Reggie.

5. Open to Dirty Talk

An Ivy League TikTok gay from Grindr (mouthful) is WAY too into communicating boundaries and consenting into things with Greg and Cam, to the point where it brings down the mood every time he hooks up with them. Greg takes on a new client, thinking it’s a young gay who’s closeted and afraid, but in fact, it’s someone very familiar catfishing him… Princeton!

6. Open to Make-up Sex

Greg is ready to hang up on Princeton, who begs for Greg to hold on. He’s been made aware of his issues with disrespecting boundaries (i.e. catfishing Greg) and would like to work on them. But he’d like an in person session with Greg. Greg of course tells Cam right away. Cam is understandably wary. As a compromise, since Greg wants to hear Princeton out, they decide to see him together. Elsa offers up her restaurant for the meeting place, seeing as it’s neutral territory…and she can spy on them while they eat!

Watch the series here.

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