Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Out gay chef Bill Yosses tempts us with delicacies in ‘Baker’s Dozen’

The former White House Executive Pastry Chef to President Obama heads up Hulu’s latest sweet treat.

Best known as co-author of the book Desserts For Dummies and for being the White House Executive Pastry Chef from 2007 to 2014, Yosses is also the owner of the pastry company Perfect Pie, which is based in New York City. His 2011 wedding to Charlie Fabella Jr inspired the Medium headline, “Gay-Loving Obama’s Gay Pastry Chef Maries A Gay.” (Side note: It was actually Laura Bush who hired Yosses).

Baker’s Dozen “Nature Dessert” Episode 108. Bill Yosses, Tamera Mowry-Housley, and Hannah Mahlstadt | Photo: Cory Osborne/Hulu

Now, alongside Tamera Mowry-Housley he’s helming Hulu’s Baker’s Dozen, launching on October 7 and serving up 13 new contestants (a baker’s dozen) each episode. With a mix of both home-taught and professional bakers, this season’s 104 contestants prove anyone can be a star in the kitchen.

Passionate amateur bakers will go head-to-head with seasoned professionals in each episode in a fast-paced competition series that will determine the best baker of all…as we all salivate over their creations and they hope to take home a cash prize.

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